Neorepo is a starter kit that you can use for an unlimited number of projects. Whether you're trying to learn how to structure your own app or want to rapidly spin up a number of features, it sets you up with a powerful set of features.
Walkthrough video
If you're new to Neorepo, check out this walkthrough video to get a feel for how it works:
Stack and features
Neorepo is designed to bring together a number of powerful technologies. Features include:
- Next.js: a React framework to create full-stack web applications
- Planetscale: a fully managed database service
- Prisma: a database toolkit
- Auth.js: a user authentication library
- tRPC: a type-safe API layer
- Tailwind: a utility-first CSS framework
- Radix: a collection of accessible React components
- Vercel: a cloud platform for serverless deployment
Neorepo is built on the fundamentals:
- TypeScript: a typed superset of JavaScript
- ESLint: a linter for JavaScript and TypeScript
- Prettier: an opinionated code formatter
Should I use Neorepo?
If you're looking for a production-ready boilerplate, Neorepo is a great place to start. It's designed to be a starting point for your own projects, and it's built on the fundamentals of modern web development.