compatible logos


a production-ready saas starter kit for


nextjs (app router)



see demo

all core functionality, out of the box

polished, end-to-end features needed in every saas

uses auth.js with support for passwordless, OAuth, and annonymous auth.

built with

built with tech

Supabase Authentication

your users will be able to create teams, invite OTHERS to join their team, and set admin permissions. We rely on RLS to control access to data.

built with

built with tech

Supabase Database

workflows and designs for the standard transactional emails for SaaS products.

built with

built with tech

react email

easily up subscriptions with multiple tiers or one-off purchases.

built with

built with tech


grow and engage your customers

elegant landing page with content and analytics to supplement

illustration for /landing-page

polished, flexible marketing page with smooth Framer animations.

built with

built with tech

Framer Motion

illustration for /blog

publish blog content with full formatting control via MDX.

built with

built with tech


built with tech


illustration for /changelog

keep users updated and engaged with your latest product releases.

built with

built with tech


built with tech


illustration for /docs

centralize and share useful knowledge for anyone using your product.

built with

built with tech


built with tech


production-tested code

extensible, well-documented components and architecture.

import { createServerComponentClient } from "@supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";

interface AuthLayoutProps {
  children: React.ReactNode;

export default async function AuthLayout({ children }: AuthLayoutProps) {
  const supabase = createServerComponentClient({

  const {
    data: { user },
  } = await supabase.auth.getUser();

  if (user) {
    // get the team IDs the user is a member of
    const { data: membershipsData, error: membershipsError } = await supabase

    if (membershipsError) {
      console.error("Error fetching user team memberships:", membershipsError);

    // Extract the team IDs from the result
    const teamIds = => membership.team_id);

    return redirect(`/${teamIds[0]}`);

  return <div className="h-screen">{children}</div>;

built with

built with tech

Next.js (App Router)

built with tech


pay once. unlimited use. forever.

a license includes all future updates.


production-ready saas starter kit


pay once, use forever

  • authentication
  • payments
  • org management
  • transactional emails
  • landing page
  • docs
  • blog
  • changelog
  • future updates


to help you decide if suparepo is a good fit

1. If you're shipping end-to-end production SaaS apps and want to save time building boilerplate features. 2. If you're curious to learn how to set up auth, team management, billing, and transactional email for SaaS apps. 3. If you're looking to use Next.js App Router and Supabase end to end (e.g. auth, database, rls, etc.)

If you're only interested in the components, check out for a fantastic and free library. We included multiple components from there. If you're only interested in auth, trpc, and prisma - check out If you want to just use Postgres and bring in your own auth (e.g. Clerky), then check out Scalerepo instead.

The stack includes next.js app router, supabase, tailwind + radix (via shadcn/ui), stripe, react email, contentlayer, mdx, framer motion, and posthog.

The UI can be easily swapped out. But the core functionality (auth, team management, billing, and emails) are all built on top of Supabase. If you want to just use Postgres, check out Scalerepo instead.