2 min read
Scalerepo Launch

Bharat Kilaru
We're excited to launch Scalerepo today. Scalerepo is the evolution of our first product: a product-ready SaaS starter kit for Next.js and Planetscale. It's a full stack app with authentication, team management, emails, payment, marketing, blog, changelog and docs.
We've been working on this for a while and are excited to share it with the world. Neorepo will be building a number of different proejcts in the coming weeks and months. Scalerepo takes everything our first product had and makes it better. We've added a number of new features and improvements to make it easier than ever to get started with your next project.
When we first decided to work on starter kits and boilerplates, we wanted to bring a more robust solution to the table. We had all experienced really hard to use starter kits, overly opinionated boilerplates, and a lack of documentation. We wanted to build something that was easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to extend. We wanted to build something that would help developers get started with their next project.
We're excited to share Scalerepo with the world. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
What stack does Scalerepo use?
- Next.js
- Planetscale
- Auth.js
- Prisma
- Tailwind CSS
- tRPC
- Vercel
- Contentlayer
- PostHog
- Framer Motion
- react email
What features does Scalerepo have?
- Authentication
- Team management
- Emails
- Payments
- Marketing
- Blog
- Changelog
- Docs
Neorepo is a production-ready SaaS boilerplate
Skip the tedious parts of building auth, org management, payments, and emails
See the demo© 2023 Roadtrip